Convert Gallons (u.s. Dry) to Barrels (imperial)

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  3. Gallons (u.s. Dry) >
  4. Gallons (u.s. Dry) to Barrels (imperial)

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Unit Descriptions
1 Gallon (U.S. dry):
1/8 bu (US lvl)
1 Barrel (Imperial):
Imperial barrel of 36 imperial gallons. Originally 10 pounds of water at 62 degrees Fahrenheit. Now 4.54609 litres. 1 imperial gallon = 0.00454609 cubic meters (SI base). 1 imp gal = 0.00454609 m3.

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Conversions Table
1 Gallons (u.s. Dry) to Barrels (imperial) = 0.968970 Gallons (u.s. Dry) to Barrels (imperial) = 67.8257
2 Gallons (u.s. Dry) to Barrels (imperial) = 1.937980 Gallons (u.s. Dry) to Barrels (imperial) = 77.5151
3 Gallons (u.s. Dry) to Barrels (imperial) = 2.906890 Gallons (u.s. Dry) to Barrels (imperial) = 87.2045
4 Gallons (u.s. Dry) to Barrels (imperial) = 3.8758100 Gallons (u.s. Dry) to Barrels (imperial) = 96.8939
5 Gallons (u.s. Dry) to Barrels (imperial) = 4.8447200 Gallons (u.s. Dry) to Barrels (imperial) = 193.7878
6 Gallons (u.s. Dry) to Barrels (imperial) = 5.8136300 Gallons (u.s. Dry) to Barrels (imperial) = 290.6817
7 Gallons (u.s. Dry) to Barrels (imperial) = 6.7826400 Gallons (u.s. Dry) to Barrels (imperial) = 387.5756
8 Gallons (u.s. Dry) to Barrels (imperial) = 7.7515500 Gallons (u.s. Dry) to Barrels (imperial) = 484.4695
9 Gallons (u.s. Dry) to Barrels (imperial) = 8.7205600 Gallons (u.s. Dry) to Barrels (imperial) = 581.3634
10 Gallons (u.s. Dry) to Barrels (imperial) = 9.6894800 Gallons (u.s. Dry) to Barrels (imperial) = 775.1512
20 Gallons (u.s. Dry) to Barrels (imperial) = 19.3788900 Gallons (u.s. Dry) to Barrels (imperial) = 872.0451
30 Gallons (u.s. Dry) to Barrels (imperial) = 29.06821,000 Gallons (u.s. Dry) to Barrels (imperial) = 968.939
40 Gallons (u.s. Dry) to Barrels (imperial) = 38.757610,000 Gallons (u.s. Dry) to Barrels (imperial) = 9689.3897
50 Gallons (u.s. Dry) to Barrels (imperial) = 48.4469100,000 Gallons (u.s. Dry) to Barrels (imperial) = 96893.8972
60 Gallons (u.s. Dry) to Barrels (imperial) = 58.13631,000,000 Gallons (u.s. Dry) to Barrels (imperial) = 968938.9719

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