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Convert Meters Per Year to:
Meters Per Year to Centimeters per Day
- 1 Centimeter per day is approximately equal to 1.157 407 41 x 10-7 meters per second (SI unit).
Meters Per Year to Centimeters per Hour
- 1 Centimeter per hour is approximately equal to 2.777 778 x 10-6 meters per second (SI unit).
Meters Per Year to Centimeters per Millisecond
- 1 Centimeter per millisecond is equal to 10 meters per second (SI unit).
Meters Per Year to Centimeters per Minute
- 1 Centimeter per minute is approximately equal to 1.666 667 x 10-4 meters per second (SI unit).
Meters Per Year to Centimeters per Second
- 1 Centimeter per second is equal to 0.01 meters per second (SI unit).
Meters Per Year to Fathoms per Hour
- 1 Fathom per hour is equivalent to 0.000508 meters per second (SI unit).
Meters Per Year to Fathoms per Minute
- 1 Fathom per minute is equivalent to 0.03048 meters per second (SI unit).
Meters Per Year to Feet per Day
- 1 Foot per Day is approximately equal to 3.527 778 x 10-6 meters per second.
Meters Per Year to Feet per Hour
- Feet per Hours. In SI units approximately 8.4666667 x 10-5 meters per second.
Meters Per Year to Feet per Minute
- Feet per Minutes. In SI units 5.08 x 10-3 meters per second.
Meters Per Year to Feet per Second
- Feet per Second. In SI units 0.3048 meters per second.
Meters Per Year to Feet per Year
- 1 Foot per Year is approximately equal to 9.658 727 496 876 x 10-9 meters per second. Using Gregorian year of 365.2425 days.
Meters Per Year to Furlongs per Fortnight
- Furlongs per Fortnights. In SI units approximately 0.0001663095.
Meters Per Year to Inches per Day
- 1 Inch per Day is approximately 2.939 814 81 x 10-7 meters per second (SI unit).
Meters Per Year to Inches per Hour
- 1 Inche per hour (in/h) is approximately 7.055 556 x 10-6 meters per second (SI unit).
Meters Per Year to Inches per Minute
- Inches per Minutes. In SI units approximately 0.000423333 meters per second.
Meters Per Year to Inches per Second
- 1 in/s
Meters Per Year to Inches per Week
- 1 Inch per week is approximately equal to 4.150 132 23 x 10-8 meters per second (SI unit).
Meters Per Year to Inches per Year
- 1 Inch per year (Gregorian) is approximately 8.048 939 580 730 x 10-10 meters per second. Approximate drift speed of some continents. 1 Gregorian year = 365.2425 days or 31 556 952 seconds.
Meters Per Year to Kilometres per Hour
- Distance of one kilometer or 1 000 meters travelled in the time span of one hour or exactly 3 600 seconds. 1 Kilometer per hour (kph, km/h) = 0.277 777 778 meters per second (SI base unit). 1 km/h = 0.277777778 m/s.
Meters Per Year to Knots
- 1 NM/h. An object travelling at one knot is covering the distance of one nautical mile in one hour. Using a nautical mile of exactly 1 852 meters. One knot is about 0.51444 meters per second. 1 kn ≅ 0.51444 m/s (SI unit).
Meters Per Year to Knots (Admiralty)
- 1 NM (Adm)/h
Meters Per Year to Leagues (land) per Day
- 1 League (land) per day is equivalent to 0.05588 meters per second (SI unit). League (land) of 3 US statute miles.
Meters Per Year to Leagues (land) per Hour
- 1 League (land) per hour is equivalent to 1.34112 meters per second (SI unit). League (land) of 3 US statute miles.
Meters Per Year to Light Speed
- In SI units the speed of light measured in a vacuum is 299,792,458 meters per second.
Meters Per Year to Mach Number
- The ratio of the speed of an object moving through a fluid to the speed of sound in the same fluid. Under standard conditions at sea level this is roughly 340.29 meters per second for travel through air.
Meters Per Year to Meter per Day
- 1 Meter per day is equal to approximately 1.157 407 407 x 10-5 meters per second (SI unit).
Meters Per Year to Meters per Century
- 1 Meter per century is approximately 3.168 874 x 10-10 meters per second (SI unit). Using 100 Gregorian years of 365.2425 days.
Meters Per Year to Meters per Decade
- 1 Meter per decade is approximately 3.168 874 x 10-9 meters per second (SI unit). Using 10 Gregorian years of 365.2425 days.
Meters Per Year to Meters per Hour
- 1 Meter per hour is approximately equal to 0.000 277 778 meters per second (SI unit).
Meters Per Year to Meters per Microsecond
- 1 Meter per microsecond is equal to 0.000 001 Meters per second (SI unit).
Meters Per Year to Meters per Millenium
- 1 Meter per millenium is approximately 3.168 874 x 10-11 meters per second (SI unit). Using 1000 Gregorian years of 365.2425 days.
Meters Per Year to Meters per Millisecond
- 1 Meter per millisecond is equal to 1000 meters per second (SI unit).
Meters Per Year to Meters per Minute
- 1 Meter per minute is approximately 0.016 666 667 meters per second (SI unit).
Meters Per Year to Meters per Second
- Meters per second is the base unit for measuring velocity or speed in the International System of Units (SI). Speed is a measure of distance travelled over time, velocity is speed in a given direction. 1 meter travelled over a period of 1 second = 1 m/s.
Meters Per Year to Microns per Millisecond
- 1 Micron per millisecond is equal to 0.001 meters per second (SI unit).
Meters Per Year to Microns per Second
- 1 Micron per second is equal to 0.000 001 meters per second (SI unit).
Meters Per Year to Miles per Day
- 1 Mile per day is approximately equal to 0.018 666 667 meters per second. Using International Miles containing 1760 yards.
Meters Per Year to Miles per Hour
- A distance of one international mile or 1 760 international yards or exactly 1609.344 meters travelled in one hour or exactly 3 600 seconds. 1 Mile per hour = 1.60934 kilometers per hour = 0.44704 meters per second (SI base unit). 1 mph = 0.447 04 m/s.
Meters Per Year to Miles per Millisecond
- 1 Mile per millisecond is 1 609 344 meters per second. Using Internation Mile of 1760 yards.
Meters Per Year to Miles per Minute
- 1 mi/min
Meters Per Year to Miles per Month
- 1 Mile per month is approximately 6.119 769 742 202 x 10-4 meters per second (SI unit). Using an average Gregorian month of 365.2425/12 days.
Meters Per Year to Miles per Second
- 1 mi/s
Meters Per Year to Miles per Year
- 1 Mile per year is approximately equal to 5.099 808 118 x 10-5 meters per second (SI unit). Using Gregorian year of 365.2425 days.
Meters Per Year to Millimeters per Day
- 1 Millimeter per day is equal to approximately 1.157 407 4 x 10-8 meters per second (SI unit).
Meters Per Year to Millimeters per Hour
- One millimeter per hour is approximately equal to 2.77777778 x 10-7 m/s (SI base unit).
Meters Per Year to Millimeters per Microsecond
- 1 Millimeter per microsecond is equal to 1000 meters per second (SI unit).
Meters Per Year to Millimeters per Millisecond
- One millimeter per millisecond is equal to one meter per second (m/s is the base SI Unit typically used for velocity). One millimeter is 1/1000th of a meter and there are 1,000 milliseconds in one second, therefore mm/ms = m/s.
Meters Per Year to Nanometers per Millisecond
- 1 Nanometer per millisecond is equal to 0.000 001 meters per second (SI unit).
Meters Per Year to Nanometers per Second
- 1 Nanometer per second is equal to 0.000 000 001 meters per second (SI unit).
Meters Per Year to Speed of Sound in Air
- In SI units the speed of sound in air at 20°C and 60% relative humidity is approximately 344 meters per second. This varies slightly from a typical approximation of mach number (340.29 meters per second).
Meters Per Year to Yards per Day
- 1 Yard per day is approximately equal to 1.058 333 333 x 10-5 meters per second (SI unit).
Meters Per Year to Yards Per Hour
- 1 Yard per hour is equal to 0.01524 meters per hour (SI unit).
Meters Per Year to Yards per Minute
- 1 Yard per minute is equivalent to 0.01524 meters per second (SI unit).
Meters Per Year to Yards per Second
- 1 Yard per second is equal to 0.944 meters per second (SI unit).
Meters Per Year to Yards per Year
- 1 Yard per year is approximately equal to 2.897 618 2 x 10-8 meters per second. Using Gregorian year of 365.2425 days.