Convert Millibars to Atmospheres (technical)

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  2. Pressure >
  3. Millibars >
  4. Millibars to Atmospheres (technical)

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Atmospheres (technical) to Millibars
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Unit Descriptions
1 Millibar:
One millibar is exactly 100 pascals. Millibar is a non-SI unit seen in meteorology. 1 mbar = 100 Pa (SI unit).
1 Atmosphere (technical):
= 1 kgf/cm2

Link to Your Exact Conversion

Conversions Table
1 Millibars to Atmospheres (technical) = 0.00170 Millibars to Atmospheres (technical) = 0.0714
2 Millibars to Atmospheres (technical) = 0.00280 Millibars to Atmospheres (technical) = 0.0816
3 Millibars to Atmospheres (technical) = 0.003190 Millibars to Atmospheres (technical) = 0.0918
4 Millibars to Atmospheres (technical) = 0.0041100 Millibars to Atmospheres (technical) = 0.102
5 Millibars to Atmospheres (technical) = 0.0051200 Millibars to Atmospheres (technical) = 0.2039
6 Millibars to Atmospheres (technical) = 0.0061300 Millibars to Atmospheres (technical) = 0.3059
7 Millibars to Atmospheres (technical) = 0.0071400 Millibars to Atmospheres (technical) = 0.4079
8 Millibars to Atmospheres (technical) = 0.0082500 Millibars to Atmospheres (technical) = 0.5099
9 Millibars to Atmospheres (technical) = 0.0092600 Millibars to Atmospheres (technical) = 0.6118
10 Millibars to Atmospheres (technical) = 0.0102800 Millibars to Atmospheres (technical) = 0.8158
20 Millibars to Atmospheres (technical) = 0.0204900 Millibars to Atmospheres (technical) = 0.9177
30 Millibars to Atmospheres (technical) = 0.03061,000 Millibars to Atmospheres (technical) = 1.0197
40 Millibars to Atmospheres (technical) = 0.040810,000 Millibars to Atmospheres (technical) = 10.1972
50 Millibars to Atmospheres (technical) = 0.051100,000 Millibars to Atmospheres (technical) = 101.9716
60 Millibars to Atmospheres (technical) = 0.06121,000,000 Millibars to Atmospheres (technical) = 1019.7162

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