Convert Candelas Per Square Inch to Lamberts

  1. Kyle's Converter >
  2. Luminance >
  3. Candelas Per Square Inch >
  4. Candelas Per Square Inch to Lamberts

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Lamberts to Candelas Per Square Inch
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Unit Descriptions
1 Candela Per Square Inch:
A candela per square inch has approximately 1,550.0031 times the luminance as a candela per square meter.
1 Lambert:
A lambert is approximately 3,183.0988618 times the luminance of a candela per square meter. Unit definition: (104/π)cd/m2

Link to Your Exact Conversion

Conversions Table
1 Candelas Per Square Inch to Lamberts = 0.486970 Candelas Per Square Inch to Lamberts = 34.0863
2 Candelas Per Square Inch to Lamberts = 0.973980 Candelas Per Square Inch to Lamberts = 38.9558
3 Candelas Per Square Inch to Lamberts = 1.460890 Candelas Per Square Inch to Lamberts = 43.8253
4 Candelas Per Square Inch to Lamberts = 1.9478100 Candelas Per Square Inch to Lamberts = 48.6948
5 Candelas Per Square Inch to Lamberts = 2.4347200 Candelas Per Square Inch to Lamberts = 97.3896
6 Candelas Per Square Inch to Lamberts = 2.9217300 Candelas Per Square Inch to Lamberts = 146.0844
7 Candelas Per Square Inch to Lamberts = 3.4086400 Candelas Per Square Inch to Lamberts = 194.7791
8 Candelas Per Square Inch to Lamberts = 3.8956500 Candelas Per Square Inch to Lamberts = 243.4739
9 Candelas Per Square Inch to Lamberts = 4.3825600 Candelas Per Square Inch to Lamberts = 292.1687
10 Candelas Per Square Inch to Lamberts = 4.8695800 Candelas Per Square Inch to Lamberts = 389.5583
20 Candelas Per Square Inch to Lamberts = 9.739900 Candelas Per Square Inch to Lamberts = 438.2531
30 Candelas Per Square Inch to Lamberts = 14.60841,000 Candelas Per Square Inch to Lamberts = 486.9478
40 Candelas Per Square Inch to Lamberts = 19.477910,000 Candelas Per Square Inch to Lamberts = 4869.4784
50 Candelas Per Square Inch to Lamberts = 24.3474100,000 Candelas Per Square Inch to Lamberts = 48694.7835
60 Candelas Per Square Inch to Lamberts = 29.21691,000,000 Candelas Per Square Inch to Lamberts = 486947.8352

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