Convert Smoots to French

  1. Kyle's Converter >
  2. Length >
  3. Smoots >
  4. Smoots to French

Reverse conversion?
French to Smoots
(or just enter a value in the "to" field)

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Unit Descriptions
1 Smoot:
A Smoot is a non-standard unit of measure based on a 1958 MIT prank. In SI units 1 Smoot is equal to 1.70180 meters, the length of Oliver R. Smoot in 1958 when he lay repeatedly end to end to measure the length of the Harvard bridge.
1 French:
1 french is exactly 1/3 millimeters. In SI units 1 french is 3.333... x 10-4 meters.

Link to Your Exact Conversion

Conversions Table
1 Smoots to French = 5105.470 Smoots to French = 357378
2 Smoots to French = 10210.880 Smoots to French = 408432
3 Smoots to French = 15316.290 Smoots to French = 459486
4 Smoots to French = 20421.6100 Smoots to French = 510540
5 Smoots to French = 25527200 Smoots to French = 1021080
6 Smoots to French = 30632.4300 Smoots to French = 1531620
7 Smoots to French = 35737.8400 Smoots to French = 2042160
8 Smoots to French = 40843.2500 Smoots to French = 2552700
9 Smoots to French = 45948.6600 Smoots to French = 3063240
10 Smoots to French = 51054800 Smoots to French = 4084320
20 Smoots to French = 102108900 Smoots to French = 4594860
30 Smoots to French = 1531621,000 Smoots to French = 5105400
40 Smoots to French = 20421610,000 Smoots to French = 51054000
50 Smoots to French = 255270100,000 Smoots to French = 510540000
60 Smoots to French = 3063241,000,000 Smoots to French = 5105400000

Similar Length Units

Common Units