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Convert Lux to:
Lux to Footcandles
- 1 Footcandle is equal to 10.7639104167097 Lux (SI unit). Footcandle measures the number of lumens per area of one square foot. 1 fc = 10.7639104167097 lx.
Lux to GigaLux
- 1 Gigalux is equal to 1000 000 000 Lux (SI unit). Lux measures the number of lumens within an area of one square meter. 1 Glx = 1000000000 lx.
Lux to Kilolux
- 1 Kilolux is equal to 1000 Lux (SI unit). Lux measures the number of lumens within an area of one square meter. 1 klx = 1000 lx.
Lux to Lumens per Square Centimeter
- 1 Lumen per square centimeter is equal to 10000 Lux (SI unit). A measurement of the number of Lumens falling on an area of one square centimeter. 1 lm/cm2 = 10000 lx.
Lux to Lumens per Square Foot
- 1 Lumen per square foot is equivalent to 1 Footcandle, in terms of SI units it is 10.7639104167097 Lux. 1 lm/ft2 = 10.7639104167097 lx. Using an international foot of exactly 0.3048 meters.
Lux to Lumens per Square Inch
- 1 Lumen per square inch is equal to 1550.0031000062 Lux (SI unit). A measurement of the number of lumens falling on an area of one square inch. 1 lm/in2 = 1550.0031000062 lx.
Lux to Lumens per Square Meter
- Lumen per square meter is equal to Lux (SI unit). A measurement of the number of Lumens falling on an area of one square meter, the definition of Lux. 1 lm/m2 = 1 lx.
Lux to Lumens per Square Millimeter
- 1 Lumen per square millimeter is equal to 1000000 Lux (SI unit). A measurement of the number of Lumens falling on an area of one square millimeter. 1 lm/mm2 = 1000000 lx.
Lux to Lumens per Square Yard
- 1 Lumen per square yard is equal to 1.19599004630108 Lux (SI unit). A measurement of the number of Lumens falling on an area of one square yard. 1 lm/yd2 = 1.19599004630108 lx.
Lux to Megalux
- 1 Megalux is equal to 1000 000 Lux (SI unit). Lux measures the number of lumens within an area of one square meter. 1 Mlx = 1000000 lx.
Lux to Microlux
- 1 Microlux is equal to 0.000 001 Lux (SI unit). Lux measures the number of lumens within an area of one square meter. 1 µlx = 0.000001 lx.
Lux to Millilux
- 1 Millilux is equal to 0.001 Lux (SI unit). Lux measures the number of lumens within an area of one square meter. 1 mlx = 0.001 lx.
Lux to Nanolux
- 1 Nanolux is equal to 0.000 000 001 Lux (SI unit). Lux measures the number of lumens within an area of one square meter. 1 nlx = 0.000000001 lx.
Lux to Nox
- 1 Nox is equal to 1 Millilux or 0.001 Lux (SI unit). Lux measures the number of lumens within an area of one square meter. 1 nx = 0.001 lx.
Lux to Phots
- 1 Phot is equal to 10000 Lux (SI unit). A measurement of the number of Lumens falling on an area of one square centimeter. 1 ph = 10000 lx.