Convert Watt-seconds to Foot-poundals

  1. Kyle's Converter >
  2. Energy, Work, And Heat >
  3. Watt-seconds >
  4. Watt-seconds to Foot-poundals

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Foot-poundals to Watt-seconds
(or just enter a value in the "to" field)

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Unit Descriptions
1 Watt-second:
Amount of one Watt of energy (not necessarily electrical) expended in one second. 1 Watt-second the equivalent of 1 Joule. 1 Ws = 1 J.
1 Foot-Poundal:
Exactly 1 lb*ft2/s2. Approximately 4.21401100938048 x 10-2 Joules (SI).

Link to Your Exact Conversion

Conversions Table
1 Watt-seconds to Foot-poundals = 23.730470 Watt-seconds to Foot-poundals = 1661.1252
2 Watt-seconds to Foot-poundals = 47.460780 Watt-seconds to Foot-poundals = 1898.4288
3 Watt-seconds to Foot-poundals = 71.191190 Watt-seconds to Foot-poundals = 2135.7324
4 Watt-seconds to Foot-poundals = 94.9214100 Watt-seconds to Foot-poundals = 2373.036
5 Watt-seconds to Foot-poundals = 118.6518200 Watt-seconds to Foot-poundals = 4746.0721
6 Watt-seconds to Foot-poundals = 142.3822300 Watt-seconds to Foot-poundals = 7119.1081
7 Watt-seconds to Foot-poundals = 166.1125400 Watt-seconds to Foot-poundals = 9492.1442
8 Watt-seconds to Foot-poundals = 189.8429500 Watt-seconds to Foot-poundals = 11865.1802
9 Watt-seconds to Foot-poundals = 213.5732600 Watt-seconds to Foot-poundals = 14238.2162
10 Watt-seconds to Foot-poundals = 237.3036800 Watt-seconds to Foot-poundals = 18984.2883
20 Watt-seconds to Foot-poundals = 474.6072900 Watt-seconds to Foot-poundals = 21357.3244
30 Watt-seconds to Foot-poundals = 711.91081,000 Watt-seconds to Foot-poundals = 23730.3604
40 Watt-seconds to Foot-poundals = 949.214410,000 Watt-seconds to Foot-poundals = 237303.604
50 Watt-seconds to Foot-poundals = 1186.518100,000 Watt-seconds to Foot-poundals = 2373036.0404
60 Watt-seconds to Foot-poundals = 1423.82161,000,000 Watt-seconds to Foot-poundals = 23730360.4042

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