Convert Watt-hours to Calories (20 °c)

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  2. Energy, Work, And Heat >
  3. Watt-hours >
  4. Watt-hours to Calories (20 °c)

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Unit Descriptions
1 Watt-hour:
Amount of one Watt of energy (not necessarily electrical) expended in one hour. 1 Watt is 1 kg * m2 * s-3. 1 Watt-hour is equal to 3600 Joules (SI base unit). 1 Wh = 3600 J.
1 Calorie (20 °C):
Approximately 4.1819 Joules (SI). The amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1 gram (g) of water (without air) from 19.5 °C to 20.5 °C.

Link to Your Exact Conversion

Conversions Table
1 Watt-hours to Calories (20 °c) = 860.852770 Watt-hours to Calories (20 °c) = 60259.6906
2 Watt-hours to Calories (20 °c) = 1721.705480 Watt-hours to Calories (20 °c) = 68868.2178
3 Watt-hours to Calories (20 °c) = 2582.558290 Watt-hours to Calories (20 °c) = 77476.745
4 Watt-hours to Calories (20 °c) = 3443.4109100 Watt-hours to Calories (20 °c) = 86085.2722
5 Watt-hours to Calories (20 °c) = 4304.2636200 Watt-hours to Calories (20 °c) = 172170.5445
6 Watt-hours to Calories (20 °c) = 5165.1163300 Watt-hours to Calories (20 °c) = 258255.8167
7 Watt-hours to Calories (20 °c) = 6025.9691400 Watt-hours to Calories (20 °c) = 344341.089
8 Watt-hours to Calories (20 °c) = 6886.8218500 Watt-hours to Calories (20 °c) = 430426.3612
9 Watt-hours to Calories (20 °c) = 7747.6745600 Watt-hours to Calories (20 °c) = 516511.6335
10 Watt-hours to Calories (20 °c) = 8608.5272800 Watt-hours to Calories (20 °c) = 688682.178
20 Watt-hours to Calories (20 °c) = 17217.0544900 Watt-hours to Calories (20 °c) = 774767.4502
30 Watt-hours to Calories (20 °c) = 25825.58171,000 Watt-hours to Calories (20 °c) = 860852.7224
40 Watt-hours to Calories (20 °c) = 34434.108910,000 Watt-hours to Calories (20 °c) = 8608527.2245
50 Watt-hours to Calories (20 °c) = 43042.6361100,000 Watt-hours to Calories (20 °c) = 86085272.2447
60 Watt-hours to Calories (20 °c) = 51651.16331,000,000 Watt-hours to Calories (20 °c) = 860852722.4467

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