Convert Watt-hours to British Thermal Units (thermochemical)

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  4. Watt-hours to British Thermal Units (thermochemical)

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British Thermal Units (thermochemical) to Watt-hours
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Unit Descriptions
1 Watt-hour:
Amount of one Watt of energy (not necessarily electrical) expended in one hour. 1 Watt is 1 kg * m2 * s-3. 1 Watt-hour is equal to 3600 Joules (SI base unit). 1 Wh = 3600 J.
1 British Thermal Unit (thermochemical):
Approximately 1.054350 x 103 Joules (SI). Energy consumption for BTUth is based on the thermochemical calorie of 4.184 Joules.

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Conversions Table
1 Watt-hours to British Thermal Units (thermochemical) = 3.414470 Watt-hours to British Thermal Units (thermochemical) = 239.0098
2 Watt-hours to British Thermal Units (thermochemical) = 6.828980 Watt-hours to British Thermal Units (thermochemical) = 273.1541
3 Watt-hours to British Thermal Units (thermochemical) = 10.243390 Watt-hours to British Thermal Units (thermochemical) = 307.2983
4 Watt-hours to British Thermal Units (thermochemical) = 13.6577100 Watt-hours to British Thermal Units (thermochemical) = 341.4426
5 Watt-hours to British Thermal Units (thermochemical) = 17.0721200 Watt-hours to British Thermal Units (thermochemical) = 682.8852
6 Watt-hours to British Thermal Units (thermochemical) = 20.4866300 Watt-hours to British Thermal Units (thermochemical) = 1024.3278
7 Watt-hours to British Thermal Units (thermochemical) = 23.901400 Watt-hours to British Thermal Units (thermochemical) = 1365.7704
8 Watt-hours to British Thermal Units (thermochemical) = 27.3154500 Watt-hours to British Thermal Units (thermochemical) = 1707.213
9 Watt-hours to British Thermal Units (thermochemical) = 30.7298600 Watt-hours to British Thermal Units (thermochemical) = 2048.6556
10 Watt-hours to British Thermal Units (thermochemical) = 34.1443800 Watt-hours to British Thermal Units (thermochemical) = 2731.5408
20 Watt-hours to British Thermal Units (thermochemical) = 68.2885900 Watt-hours to British Thermal Units (thermochemical) = 3072.9834
30 Watt-hours to British Thermal Units (thermochemical) = 102.43281,000 Watt-hours to British Thermal Units (thermochemical) = 3414.4259
40 Watt-hours to British Thermal Units (thermochemical) = 136.57710,000 Watt-hours to British Thermal Units (thermochemical) = 34144.2595
50 Watt-hours to British Thermal Units (thermochemical) = 170.7213100,000 Watt-hours to British Thermal Units (thermochemical) = 341442.595
60 Watt-hours to British Thermal Units (thermochemical) = 204.86561,000,000 Watt-hours to British Thermal Units (thermochemical) = 3414425.9496

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Common Units