Convert Horsepower-hours to British Thermal Units (63 °f)

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  2. Energy, Work, And Heat >
  3. Horsepower-hours >
  4. Horsepower-hours to British Thermal Units (63 °f)

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Unit Descriptions
1 Horsepower-Hour:
1 hp x 1 hr
1 British Thermal Unit (63 °F):
Approximately 1.0546 x 103Joules (SI). Amount of energy required to raise 1lb of water by 1°F at 63 °F. See BTUIT for common BTU.

Link to Your Exact Conversion

Conversions Table
1 Horsepower-hours to British Thermal Units (63 °f) = 2545.533470 Horsepower-hours to British Thermal Units (63 °f) = 178187.3389
2 Horsepower-hours to British Thermal Units (63 °f) = 5091.066880 Horsepower-hours to British Thermal Units (63 °f) = 203642.6731
3 Horsepower-hours to British Thermal Units (63 °f) = 7636.600290 Horsepower-hours to British Thermal Units (63 °f) = 229098.0072
4 Horsepower-hours to British Thermal Units (63 °f) = 10182.1337100 Horsepower-hours to British Thermal Units (63 °f) = 254553.3413
5 Horsepower-hours to British Thermal Units (63 °f) = 12727.6671200 Horsepower-hours to British Thermal Units (63 °f) = 509106.6827
6 Horsepower-hours to British Thermal Units (63 °f) = 15273.2005300 Horsepower-hours to British Thermal Units (63 °f) = 763660.024
7 Horsepower-hours to British Thermal Units (63 °f) = 17818.7339400 Horsepower-hours to British Thermal Units (63 °f) = 1018213.3653
8 Horsepower-hours to British Thermal Units (63 °f) = 20364.2673500 Horsepower-hours to British Thermal Units (63 °f) = 1272766.7067
9 Horsepower-hours to British Thermal Units (63 °f) = 22909.8007600 Horsepower-hours to British Thermal Units (63 °f) = 1527320.048
10 Horsepower-hours to British Thermal Units (63 °f) = 25455.3341800 Horsepower-hours to British Thermal Units (63 °f) = 2036426.7307
20 Horsepower-hours to British Thermal Units (63 °f) = 50910.6683900 Horsepower-hours to British Thermal Units (63 °f) = 2290980.072
30 Horsepower-hours to British Thermal Units (63 °f) = 76366.00241,000 Horsepower-hours to British Thermal Units (63 °f) = 2545533.4133
40 Horsepower-hours to British Thermal Units (63 °f) = 101821.336510,000 Horsepower-hours to British Thermal Units (63 °f) = 25455334.1333
50 Horsepower-hours to British Thermal Units (63 °f) = 127276.6707100,000 Horsepower-hours to British Thermal Units (63 °f) = 254553341.3328
60 Horsepower-hours to British Thermal Units (63 °f) = 152732.00481,000,000 Horsepower-hours to British Thermal Units (63 °f) = 2545533413.3284

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Common Units