Convert Dekatherms (uk) to British Thermal Units (59 °f)

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  4. Dekatherms (uk) to British Thermal Units (59 °f)

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British Thermal Units (59 °f) to Dekatherms (uk)
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Unit Descriptions
1 Dekatherm (UK):
Roughly energy equivalent of a thousand cubic feet of natural gas (MCF). Equivalent to 1 000 000 BTU; dekatherm (UK) set by The Units of Measurement Regulations 1995 (UK). 1 Dekatherm (Dth UK) = 1055055852.57348 joules (J).
1 British Thermal Unit (59 °F):
Approximately 1.054804 x 103Joules (SI). Amount of energy required to raise 1lb of water by 1°F using the 15° calorie of exactly 4.1855 Joules. See BTUIT for common BTU.

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Conversions Table
1 Dekatherms (uk) to British Thermal Units (59 °f) = 1000238.767270 Dekatherms (uk) to British Thermal Units (59 °f) = 70016713.7024
2 Dekatherms (uk) to British Thermal Units (59 °f) = 2000477.534480 Dekatherms (uk) to British Thermal Units (59 °f) = 80019101.3742
3 Dekatherms (uk) to British Thermal Units (59 °f) = 3000716.301590 Dekatherms (uk) to British Thermal Units (59 °f) = 90021489.0459
4 Dekatherms (uk) to British Thermal Units (59 °f) = 4000955.0687100 Dekatherms (uk) to British Thermal Units (59 °f) = 100023876.7177
5 Dekatherms (uk) to British Thermal Units (59 °f) = 5001193.8359200 Dekatherms (uk) to British Thermal Units (59 °f) = 200047753.4354
6 Dekatherms (uk) to British Thermal Units (59 °f) = 6001432.6031300 Dekatherms (uk) to British Thermal Units (59 °f) = 300071630.1531
7 Dekatherms (uk) to British Thermal Units (59 °f) = 7001671.3702400 Dekatherms (uk) to British Thermal Units (59 °f) = 400095506.8708
8 Dekatherms (uk) to British Thermal Units (59 °f) = 8001910.1374500 Dekatherms (uk) to British Thermal Units (59 °f) = 500119383.5886
9 Dekatherms (uk) to British Thermal Units (59 °f) = 9002148.9046600 Dekatherms (uk) to British Thermal Units (59 °f) = 600143260.3063
10 Dekatherms (uk) to British Thermal Units (59 °f) = 10002387.6718800 Dekatherms (uk) to British Thermal Units (59 °f) = 800191013.7417
20 Dekatherms (uk) to British Thermal Units (59 °f) = 20004775.3435900 Dekatherms (uk) to British Thermal Units (59 °f) = 900214890.4594
30 Dekatherms (uk) to British Thermal Units (59 °f) = 30007163.01531,000 Dekatherms (uk) to British Thermal Units (59 °f) = 1000238767.1771
40 Dekatherms (uk) to British Thermal Units (59 °f) = 40009550.687110,000 Dekatherms (uk) to British Thermal Units (59 °f) = 10002387671.771
50 Dekatherms (uk) to British Thermal Units (59 °f) = 50011938.3589100,000 Dekatherms (uk) to British Thermal Units (59 °f) = 100023876717.71
60 Dekatherms (uk) to British Thermal Units (59 °f) = 60014326.03061,000,000 Dekatherms (uk) to British Thermal Units (59 °f) = 1000238767177.1

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