Convert Faradays (chem) Per Second to Biots

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  4. Faradays (chem) Per Second to Biots

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Unit Descriptions
1 Faraday (chem) per Second:
Approximately 1 mole of electrons. 1 Faraday (chem) / second ≈ 96 489.983 85 Coulombs / second = 96 489.983 85 amperes.
1 Biot:
One abcoulomb per second. A Biot is equal to an abampere, the base unit of charge in the centimeter-gram-second system of measure, named after Jean-Baptiste Biot. It is equal to ten amperes. 1 biot = 10 A.

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Conversions Table
1 Faradays (chem) Per Second to Biots = 9648.998470 Faradays (chem) Per Second to Biots = 675429.887
2 Faradays (chem) Per Second to Biots = 19297.996880 Faradays (chem) Per Second to Biots = 771919.8708
3 Faradays (chem) Per Second to Biots = 28946.995290 Faradays (chem) Per Second to Biots = 868409.8547
4 Faradays (chem) Per Second to Biots = 38595.9935100 Faradays (chem) Per Second to Biots = 964899.8385
5 Faradays (chem) Per Second to Biots = 48244.9919200 Faradays (chem) Per Second to Biots = 1929799.677
6 Faradays (chem) Per Second to Biots = 57893.9903300 Faradays (chem) Per Second to Biots = 2894699.5155
7 Faradays (chem) Per Second to Biots = 67542.9887400 Faradays (chem) Per Second to Biots = 3859599.354
8 Faradays (chem) Per Second to Biots = 77191.9871500 Faradays (chem) Per Second to Biots = 4824499.1925
9 Faradays (chem) Per Second to Biots = 86840.9855600 Faradays (chem) Per Second to Biots = 5789399.031
10 Faradays (chem) Per Second to Biots = 96489.9839800 Faradays (chem) Per Second to Biots = 7719198.708
20 Faradays (chem) Per Second to Biots = 192979.9677900 Faradays (chem) Per Second to Biots = 8684098.5465
30 Faradays (chem) Per Second to Biots = 289469.95161,000 Faradays (chem) Per Second to Biots = 9648998.385
40 Faradays (chem) Per Second to Biots = 385959.935410,000 Faradays (chem) Per Second to Biots = 96489983.85
50 Faradays (chem) Per Second to Biots = 482449.9193100,000 Faradays (chem) Per Second to Biots = 964899838.5
60 Faradays (chem) Per Second to Biots = 578939.90311,000,000 Faradays (chem) Per Second to Biots = 9648998385

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