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Convert Angular Mils to:
Angular Mils to Arcminutes
- 1 Arcminute (Minute of Arc - MOA) is equal to exatly one 60th of a degree. In terms of the SI unit radians this is π/10800 or approximately 0.290 888 x 10-3 rad.
Angular Mils to Arcseconds
- 1 Arcsecond is equal to exactly one thirtysix-hundredth arc degrees (1°/3600). In terms of radians (SI unit) this is π/648000 rad or approximately 4.848 137 x 10-6 rad.
Angular Mils to Binary Degrees
- 1 Binary degree or binary radian (brad) is 1 turn/256. In terms of the SI unit radians this is π/128 rad.
Angular Mils to Centesimal minutes of arc
- 1 Centesimal minute of arc is defined as one one-hundredth of a gradian (1 grad/100). In SI terms this is 2π/400000 radians or approximately 0.157 080 x 10-3 rad.
Angular Mils to Centesimal seconds of arc
- 1 centesimal second of arc is defined as one ten-thousandths of a gradian (1 grad/10000). In SI units this is 2π/4000000 radians or approximately 1.570 796 x 10-6 rad.
Angular Mils to Centiturns
- 1 Centiturn is exactly 1 turn/100 or 3.6° (degrees of arc). In terms of the SI unit radians this is π/50 radians.
Angular Mils to Degrees
- 1 degree of arc is define as 1/360 of a revolution. In SI units 1° is π/180 radians.
Angular Mils to Gradians
- 1 gradian is exactly 1/400 of a revolution or 2π/400 or 0.9°. In terms of the SI unit radians 1 grad is approximately 15.707 963 x 10-3 rad.
Angular Mils to Hexacontades
- 1 Hexacontade is equal to 6° (degrees of arc) or 1 turn/60. In SI units 1 hexacontade equal π/30 radians.
Angular Mils to Hour Angles
- 1 Hour angle is 1 turn/24 or 15°. In terms of SI units an hour angle is π/12 radians.
Angular Mils to Milliturns
- 1 Milliturn is exactly 1 turn/1000 or 0.36° (degrees of arc). In terms of the SI unit radians this is π/500 radians.
Angular Mils to Minutes of time
- 1 Minute of time (astronomical) is equal to 1 turn/1440. In terms of the SI unit radians 1 minute of time equals π/720 rad.
Angular Mils to Octants
- 1 octant is exactly 45° (degrees of arc). In terms of the SI unit radians this is approximately 0.785 398 rad.
Angular Mils to Pechus
- 1 Pechus is equal to about 2° (or possibly 2½°). If a pechus is 2° then it is approximately equivalent to π/90 radians (SI).
Angular Mils to Points (navigation)
- 1 Point (navigation) is 1 turn/32 or 1/8 of a right angle or 11.25° or 12.5 grad. In radians (SI unit) 1 point is π/16 rad.
Angular Mils to Quadrants
- 1 Quadrant is exactly 90° (degrees of arc). In terms of the SI unit radians 1 quardrant is approximately 1.570 796 rad.
Angular Mils to Quarter Points (navigation)
- 1 Quarter Point (navigation) is 1 turn/128. This is approximately 2.8125° or in SI units exactly π/64 radians.
Angular Mils to Radians
- 1 Radian is defined as the angle subtended at the center of a circle by an arc whose length is equal to the circle's radius. One full turn is 2π radians.
Angular Mils to Seconds of time
- 1 Second of time (astronomical) is equal to 1 turn/86400. In radians (SI unit) 1 second of time is π/43200 rad.
Angular Mils to Sextants
- 1 Sextant is exactly 60° (degrees of arc). In SI units 1 sextant is approximately 1.047 198 rad.
Angular Mils to Signs
- 1 Sign is exactly 30° (degrees of arc). In terms of the SI unit radians 1 sign is approximately 0.523 599 rad.
Angular Mils to Turns
- 1 Turn (or cycle, full circle, revolution, rotation) is equal to exactly 360° (degrees of arc) or 2π radians (SI unit) or 400 gradians or 4 right angles.